With regard to the title, the answer is me.
I have been working me little spheres off to try to get my website known as somewhere that people can go and get treated decently and without any fear of being scammed. Now I do not know if any of you are experiencing the same as myself, but getting people to your site is Brain wreking.
You try the traffic exchanges and you put ads all over the place and it is like you are on a different planet. The "Guru's" tell you to use this and to do that and you will get lots and lots of traffic, sorry, I think I must be on drugs or something, because the traffic appears to have missed my stop point.
I'm sure I have got every ebook that explains everything about everything, I have also got the software and the hardware and the applications etc; that are needed to make your website work, so now ofcourse I am getting visitors by the billion (NOT).
Now back to the title, I am going to be really cheeky and ask everyone who visits this blog to visit my site and tell me their opinion, even if you think it is crap, if you do please tell me why you think that.
Now in return for visiting and leaving a comment I will gladly place anyones web address, blog address or help in any way that I am able to, if you sign the guest book. I have made a little video/movie that I have placed on my website, please watch it and see what you think.
To all who visit and comment, let me say a great big Thank You now.